Monday, November 16, 2009

Manic Mondays: The Easiest Vegan Pancake in the Universe

Monday is always a hectic day for people it seems.
Getting back to the typical work week, going back to class,
packing your kids lunch, etc etc etc
So will that this chaos going on breakfast isn't always feasible.
So we need something fast, easy, and filling.
Well pancakes isn't alway the first thing that comes to mind
when talking about something fast, but when you make them
easy- its lightening baby. (Filling is always a given when talking
about lightening, I mean pancakes).

Pancakes can be a very delicate item when making. The batter
is super easy to over mix and then you're left with a flat-cake.
So if you want a pancake that is not like a fat lady came and sat
on your breakfast, take it easy Tex. Pretty much every culture
has sometime of pancake or flatcake, little leavened bread...
I like adding some vegan chocolate chips or berries. Oh, my
absolute favorite combo is chocolate chips and dried cranberries.
I top my pancakes with just a dab of earth balance and a drizzle
of light agave syrup. Leftovers are easy to pack up and roll with
some peanut butter and take for a snack.

The Easiest Vegan Pancake in the Universe

1 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 tablespoon sweetener
dash of salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 cups soy milk

Combine the dry ingredients first then mix in soymilk gently
until just mixed. Preheat your griddle to cook on over med heat.
You will know when the pan is hot enough by sprinkling a
dash of water on the pan. If the water hisses and skips, the pan
is ready.

Pour onto a preheated griddle by the 1/4 cup. Cook until
the bubbles on the backside of the cake pop and flip.
cook a few minutes and remove, repeat and enjoy.

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